Monday, January 10, 2011

primo 3-temperature water cooler

when we were at sam's yesterday, we picked up one of these guys, too.
i promise, it wasn't an impulse purchase, although it can seem like we do that quite often if you read all my posts. it's something we needed. and my hubby's been a busy bee doing his homework for the best possible choice. and this was it, he told me.

you may be laughing at me since it got a bunch of so-so reviews.
but it's a huge improvement from what we used to have: nothing.
we used to go to those GLACIER water dispensing centers and get a gallon of water for 25 cents. it can be a chore for my husband who used to go fetch water every few days. so, he's happy. i'm happy. the kids are happy about dispensing their own water. we are just a happy little fam. there is no complaint here.

plus, i think it looks much more attractive than other typical ones we see everyone else has.
(no offense to anyone who has those.)

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